How do you stop 911 drama?

Nowhere is the impact of workplace drama more dangerous than public safety. Every day you handle life or death situations while Big Brother watches your every move. If anyone messes up, you, your agency, city or county is subject to litigation.

Leaders who work in public safety communications experience mental stress, burnout, and a higher threat for turnover due to the nature of this high-stress profession and work environment. The 24×7 monitoring, the potential for lawsuits, and the challenges of dealing with life and death situations are a few of the many concerns that occur on a daily basis. It is imperative to build a no-drama workplace.

If we can change the mindset of what work is supposed to be, we will have enlightened leaders and inspired workers. Once employees are inspired and living from purpose and passion, there is never a shortage of intellectual capital, never a shortage of ideas, and never a shortage of revenue. The purpose of Marlene Chism, Inc. and the message of Stop 911 Drama is to deliver inspiration and practical tools for transforming your workplace culture and growing effective and future leaders in public safety.